Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hailey's Debut

During Annie's dress rehearsal Hailey shook her booty and we laughed our heads off!


Myklind said...

So cute! It makes me miss dancing. Oh the hours and hours we put into Jubliee. Looks like you have a dancer on your hands. I am so jealous you got to go home. Your girls are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA - I love it! I wish I were there with you guys. Thanks for updating the blog. I can't wait until you get home. Love, John (CALL ME SOMETIME!!!!!!)

Arlene Heiner said...

adorable. Hailey really has the rythmn. I couldn't believe how she clapped right with the beat. So Cute

Emily said...

Well Hailey is quite the dancer! She's got rhythm! Does she get that from John? haha

Meg said...

Mel, we keep missing each other! You aren't going to be up in Idaho again anytime soon are you? Like in June or July? I love the dancing she really can move :-) Takes after her mom. I'm so glad your having fun in Idaho! It's it always so nice to take a break and head back home!

Jess said...

mel how lucky are you!? it's always so good to go home i know! the pictures are so cute and video too! i miss them i want to see them in person! i'm glad you are having fun though. oh and i need to know the update on your bunnies...are they still moving?? haha.

Rachel said...

So cute, I love it! She's a natural! Rachel