Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Bunny

I usually don't do this, but we were at the mall for the first time in months and the girls saw the Easter bunny. They both wanted to see him so I caved and had their picture taken too. I'm really thinking about a new scanner for Christmas, so don't judge the quality of the image. The girls do look pretty stinkin' cute. Happy Easter!


The Sullengers said...

How fun and what cute outfits they are always wearing! CONGRATS on being pregnant again, I'm sorry you had a miscarriage scare but hope all is going well now! How far along are you?

Arlene Heiner said...

Boy, do I ever have some cute granddaughters. Love Ya

Kate and Cole said...

I can't believe they have the easter bunny in the mall! Some mall! I've never seen that. The girls look adorable as usual!

Jess said...

oh they are so cute! we didn't even try the easter bunny this year because alessandra is no good with mascots or animals that large of any kind.

Wendi Oyler said...

congrats on being pregnant! Yeah!! I'm so happy for you. I ran into your mom awhile ago at Gringos and she told me you were trying to have another baby. I hope you are feeling okay and everything goes well.

Charlotte said...

So cute! I love their matching outfits!

Emily said...

Hey Melanie,
Your girls look so cute in their Easter dresses! And congratulations on #3. Wow - you guys are brave. :) j/k you are such great parents - that baby is lucky to go to such a great home. Good luck with your pregnancy.

Ryan,Erika,Kaylee and Khloe Pettersson said...

Girls are so cute!! And congrats on the new one to come! Do you know what it is yet? I hope all is well.