Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Look What We Found!
("Bunnies that move")

I mowed right over the top of them, thank heavens they weren't hurt! At first I thought it was mice, (yuck), turns out they are cottontail bunnies. We covered them back up and didn't touch them so the mother would have a chance to feed them.
The mother never came back (we arranged sticks over the nest that were never moved), so we thought, "Why not care for them ourselves and give them a shot if they are going to die anyway?" Although it's always better to just let them be I think watching Hailey's excitement as we helped them has made it a fun experience. It's hard not to rethink our decision. We have to stimulate them to go to the bathroom and feed them twice a day. I don't mind too much, but I'm a little bit of a germ-o-phobe and I'm scared to introduce any wierd disease (hence the latex gloves).
The cutest thing is when Hailey tells people we have bunnies.....that move!!


Philip and Melissa said...

Oh my gosh how darling. I love that you guys have all the "tools" to feed those lil' babies!

Sharp family said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe you found those in your yard and mowed over them to !!! How fun! Maybe you could name one of them "Dennis" for old time sake! Good luck with that!

Rachel said...

Too funny. We found a bunny once but it died before the next morning. Very devestating! But, we didn't have all the cool tools that you all have either. Rachel

Logan and Lisa said...

What are you talking about they are adorable! I wish I was there to help take care of them. Can't wait to see you this next week.
Love ya,

Lisa said...

Wow! How fun for Hailey. It looks like she loves them. I can't believe how much she looks like you!

Arlene Heiner said...

Oh that reminds me of the time we were trying to keep 10 tiny puppies from dieing. I'm sure John remembers us trying to rub them down to stimulate them and keep them alive. John Daniel was going to sell to get money for his mission. The funny thing was Jessica said (when she was just a little older than Hailey's). Maybe we could say, "Buy one puppies and get a died puppy free"

Robert and Lindsay said...

hey cousins! i love this blog thing! i love seeing your family and everything you guys are doing! john.... i took your advice (from a year ago) and started a blog! keep intouch.

Anonymous said...

What a fun experience! I hope that they survive. Hailey and Kate must be having so much fun feeding the little bunnies. Can't wsit to see you in a few days.
Mom and Dad

Jess said...

oh my they are adorable! if they live i want one to be friends with lui! haha..but serously they are the cutest ever!

Hanna said...

Those are super cute! I have to admit, though, I would probably have called some animal advocay agency to take care of them - I am sooo not that nice!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Hanna said...

Those are super cute! I have to admit, though, I would probably have called some animal advocay agency to take care of them - I am sooo not that nice!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Amber said...

How fun, I used to love to take care of little animals when I was young like that. Hailey is so dang cute, she looks just like you Mel!

Meg said...

Mel, I totally thought that was you as a little girl. She looks just like you! I can't believe you kept the bunnies.. you are to funny! When are you going to Idaho? I'm going to be there in June and July! I would love to see you!

bigsexy said...

Looks like you guys are having fun, and I am glad to see that the Monster of a man is wearing gloves to hold the teenie tiny bunnies. All our love from Ohio. Keep up the good work on the blog, and we will try to do the same.

Brad Anderson said...

That's awesome!