Rigby Family Visit
We were counting the days until my family came and now it is already over!!! Nevertheless, we obviously took a million pictures to document this monumentous occasion. I'll have to admit my mom and I got a little (a lot) picture happy. This is a picture of my family just arriving after traveling all day. Hailey had fallen asleep, but we woke her up for a minute to see Nana, Grandpa, Annie and Emily.
One Happy Nana!!
You will soon learn that Hailey and Annie are hooked at the hip! Best Buds....Could be Sisters!
Annie and Hailey had so much fun together to say the least!!

Every time we watch "So You Think you Can Dance" Hailey has to dance too.
We had a fun barbeque with our neighbors!

My Dad had a Flooring Convention in Cincinnati, so we spent the weekend hanging out while he attended meetings. We had so much fun swimming, going to movies, sleeping, (the down comforters are awesome) and yes of course EATING. Thanks to my Dad's amazing Priceline skills we were able to stay at the Marriott in Cincinnati. This place was soooooo nice!!

My favorite part of the trip to Cincinnati was when my Dad bought us extra tickets to the closing social/party of his convention on the "Belle of Cincinnati" boat. Oh ya, don't think we were trying to coordinate colors, we were supporting Go For Red for Cancer.

Walking to our favorite little restaurant called First Watch. I thought it was crazy that it was only open until 2:30 pm.
Hey the pictures are great. I am so happy I get to see them. It looks like you had so much fun. I think it is a hoot how Hailey loves to dance. Katelyn is growing up so so much. Tell your parents "hi".
By the way I was happy to see some action on your blog, I was really getting discouraged
oh my gosh hailey is a big girl!!!! and Katelyn couldnt be more Heiner! your girls are gorgeous. when are you guys coming out here?? we need to get together when you do!
Dear Melanie,
Thanks so much for everything! We had the best time. The pictures remind me of all the wonderful moments spent with the ones we love! See you soon in Florida for more fun and adventure. We'll try to keep up with John's sightseeing schedule. Maybe we can try to slow him down so we can relax a bit!
Love, Mom and family
It looks like you had a blast. You had a great family.
I loved all the pictures, I'm glad you got "picture happy" because that's all the more pics for me to look at! It looks like you had a great time and I can't believe how much the kids are growing! Rachel
I loved seeing the pictures! This blogging rocks! The girls are getting so big, Haileys hair is getting so long! We can't wait tell you get here. We miss you!
I loved the pictures! This blogging is awesome. The girls are getting so big, Haileys hair is geting so long. I can't wait for you to get out here. We miss you guys tons.
I thought you said Emily went on this trip, where are the pictures of her?
I thought you said Emily came too, where the the pics of her?
Mel, you are so cute and you have the cutest family. You are gorgeous and so are your girls. I know what you mean about cooking I pretty much have hardly cooked this summer, it's been a nice break. Don't worry about cooking, winter will set in and you'll feel like cooking, cause out in the midwest there not much to do in the winter.--Marie
Mel, you are so cute and you have the cutest family. You are gorgeous and so are you girls. I know what you mean about cooking I pretty much have hardly cooked this summer, it's been a nice break. Don't worry about cooking, winter will set in and you'll feel like cooking, cause out in the midwest there not much to do in the winter.
Those pictures are so cute. It is fun to see that someone else is into "So you think you can dance." Kinley and I watch it every week with our friends out here as well. Looks like you have a lot of fun!
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